Though Dual GST is scheduled to be implemented, information on the shape of things to come is hazy. The broad contour of the GST as perceived by the Empowered Committee of State Finance Ministers and the response of the Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance, Government of India gives a broad outline of the probable design of Dual GST.

This portal is set up by to provide a forum to express and discuss the issues in drafting of the legislation, planning transition to GST and so on.

Sri S. SRIDHARAN is a practicing Chartered Accountant with over 30 years experience in tax practice is the Honorary Editor . He is a fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. He is also an associate member of the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India and the Institute of Company Secretaries of India. Sri S. SRIDHARAN has presented papers on taxation matters at professional seminars. Email: set up in 2001 played a pioneering role in the dissemination of knowledge on VAT and had published the only and most popular VAT Draft Law referencer software to help trade and industry plan transition to VAT.

This portal is maintained by Sriviven Software, the inhouse software team of STVAT consulting, the consulting division of Sriviven software is currently developing GST Referencer software, details of which is available at seeks to provide you with the latest developments relating to GST and will also provide an interactive platform. We seek to provide a link between the tax payer and the tax administrator by helping to design a practical GST.

Contact Details

Flat No:A5-A6,Swarna Bhoomi Apartment,
30 Feet Extension Road,
Off 70 Feet Ellis Nagar Main Road,
Ellis Nagar, Madurai – 625 016.
Tamil Nadu, India.
Phone: 4362020/2021